A lot has happened in the months since I last posted. Biggest Occurrence: I had knee surgery. For Lil Bop's spring break from school, we went to Rico to ski and spend time with family. We weren't sure how much we would ski until we finished the first day. Mrs. Bop and Lil Bop had such a good time that they decided to ski every day possible. I, on the other hand, let my over-confidence on the slopes make the decision for me. But, a couple of hours before that decision, Mrs. Bop and I were having a great time.

Towards the end of the day, we were on a run and I thought I could bomb through a crowd of people on the mountain and get by quickly. I lost control while in the crowd and instead of hitting the girl in front of me, I took a dive. My ski did not release when it should have and my knee twisted all over the place. After the huge puff of snow died down, the rest of the group convened around me on my hands and knees with my forehead in the snow and my teeth clinched. Mrs. Bop asked if I was okay and with my sharp reply of NO, she knew I needed a moment. However, the good Samaritan that needs to help others to feel good about themselves would not leave me alone. Do you need help? Should I call ski patrol? What's wrong? Do you want my knee brace? What can I do? SHUT THE F UP! After I answered no to 20 questions, you would think this guy got the hint that I would evaluate my situation without his help. After what felt like forever to me, he finally left me alone. He did however call ski patrol when he left. Later, I would appreciate that very much. After my decision to walk down, the rest of the group skied on. After I had descended about 100ft, ski patrol showed up. I got to ride on the back (not in the basket) of a snow mobile, which was pretty cool. I got a ride to the car and that was the end of it. So I thought. I was expecting a week, maybe two, with a sore knee, and life would return to normal. After a month of constant aching, I decided it was time to see a doctor. By the time I saw him, it had been long enough to not get an MRI. With only the physical examination, the doctor told me I had torn my ACL. I could have lived the rest of my life without getting it fixed, but I would not be able to ski anymore or do anything that requires a pivoting move. So on June 12, I had ACL reconstruction surgery. It was pretty cool. The doctor went into my knee, drilled a hole in both leg bones and patched in a cadaver ligament. Over the next six months, my body will bring blood flow to the area and the ligament will be grown over with new tissue. So this is me, ready to be operated on.

Surgery was cool. I was at the surgery center (not the hospital) for all of 3 hours. I was scheduled for 8:45 am, showed up at 8 for paperwork, and was back at my house by 11am. They did not have me count backwards when they knocked me out. Instead, the anesthesiologist said "I'm turning on the sleepy juice", and my eyes fluttered and I was out. I don't think I would have been able to say "ten" in the time it took me to fall asleep. It was almost instant. While the doctor was working on my knee, he took pictures. I think it's cool; I have quality assurance photos from my knee surgery. I have more, but these illustrate what was fixed:
1. Torn ACL

2. Doc's probe in holes drilled in leg bones

3. Cadaver ligament in place

I stayed off of my feet for a week. When I went to the doctor for a follow up, he said the only way to get off crutches was to get off crutches. That day when I got home, I set them down and haven't used them since. I have physical therapy once a week with a list of exercises that I do twice a day. I have to practice walking correctly and reestablish my range of motion. It's a lot of effort, but to be released for sports activities in time to ski next season, I have to get it done. Here is what my knee looks like now. He did not have to cut me wide open to work. I have a bunch of holes with one small scar. Eventually, the swelling will go down and my knee cap will be visible again.

Two weeks after my injury, this is the only way I was skiing:

Dude, you had to have surgery! You can't ski anymore? (well maybe thats a good thing?:) Do ya like the emoticon, I here that is all the rave these days.
ReplyDeleteI like the last picture ha ha thats pretty funny. Your kid looks good. She is old.
Hope to see ya sometime, would love to go up there.
So Jesse says he heard about this. Did you hurt your knee spring break 2007?
ReplyDeleteAnyways, me and the old lady are about to cook some salmon on the grill. She is going to run in the Rock and Roll 1/2 marathon here in SA. There are supposed to be about 30,000 people in that one plus there is the Rock and Roll (full) Marathon at the same time. That's on Sunday. I'm not running though because I'm not crazy and smoke too much.
Talk to ya later,